Latest News From Linda H. Smith

3 Global Factors Driving A New Commodity Super Cycle
3 Global Factors Driving A New Commodity Super Cycle

We could be headed for a volatile year – or more – in both ag commodities and energy. Here are just a few reasons for strong prices.

6 Global Market Wild Cards to Watch

Hopes for docile agriculture markets in 2022 have already been blown out of the water. Instead, we could be headed for a volatile year – or more.

COVID-19 Disruptions Causing Historic Economic Changes
COVID-19 Disruptions Causing Historic Economic Changes

Nearly two years after COVID-19 invaded our world, we are still living with its disruptions, but we should not overlook the more traditional factors also at play.

Strong Crop Prices: Supply-Driven Spike or a New Super Cycle?
Strong Crop Prices: Supply-Driven Spike or a New Super Cycle?

Given stubborn demand, the answer hangs on 2021 crops.